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Home » Woman » Bariatric Surgery » Gastric By-Pass

Gastric Bypass is a relatively older type of surgery compared to other obesity surgical methods. For this reason, it can be considered as the most performed obesity surgery method in the world.

The procedure is a two-stage surgery. In the first stage, a small stomach is created. For this, stomach tissue close to the esophagus-stomach junction is used. Small intestines are connected to this newly formed small stomach from a certain distance.

The mechanism here is both restrictive, as the tube stomach operation, the food meets bile and pancreatic enzymes pouring into the duodenum in the small intestine sections farther than they should be. Thus, it is difficult for the food to be broken down and absorbed, and an absorption-disrupting mechanism is added. The patient briefly eats less and benefits less from eating. Here, the change in the hormones of the gastrointestinal tract becomes more pronounced compared to the tube stomach. Accordingly, the feeling of hunger decreases, the feeling of satiety increases and blood sugar progresses more smoothly.

The patient can lose 40-50% of his total weight. The gastrointestinal system hormones affect the hormones more prominently. It is a relatively reversible process. The disadvantages are that it may be necessary to use medicines for a long time, perhaps for a lifetime, and the risks of complications are somewhat higher than sleeve gastrectomy.

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