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What is Buttock Lifting?

There are different techniques that can be applied in buttock lifting surgeries. During this procedure, prosthesis, oil injection or filler injection can be used. In individuals with volume loss in the relevant area, an application can be made with a natural prosthesis made from their own bodies. For this procedure, generally, enough fat is taken from the hip part and transferred to the butt part.

An average of two hours it will be the time for the buttock lifting operation, that can be done under local or general anaesthesia.

In the procedure that requires making an incision, the butt is surgically directed upwards and a flap obtained from the patient's body and prepared is used to act as a natural prosthesis. This method is generally preferred for people with advanced age.

What is the Post-Surgery Process?

After the "Gluteal augmentation", that is, the buttock lifting, the person can return to her normal life within a few days, but must wear a special corset for two weeks.

The method preferred for this process is very weak individuals; It is the insertion of prostheses used to enlarge the areas such as calves or breasts through a small incision in the gluteal region to fit the butt. After this procedure, no obvious scar remains. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and takes an average of three to four hours. The patient can return to her daily life in about a week.

There will not exist any scar after this incision, where oil is injected into the required area. The success and permanence of the procedure can be adversely affected if the application person loses excess weight.

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