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What is a dental implant?

The dental implant is a titanium screw system used to fix dental deficiencies. Dental implants placed in the jawbone act like a tooth root. In single tooth deficiencies, it is possible to complete the missing tooth without touching the neighbouring healthy teeth. In the case of multiple tooth deficiencies, it is possible to use fixed prostheses instead of removable dentures. It is also possible to fix mobile prostheses, which are difficult to use especially in the lower jaw,  especially in the case of full edentulousness that tend to get out of the mouth with implants.

What is the treatment process in dental implants?

In dentistry, it takes longer to complete the prostheses than classical treatments at the end of implant treatment because it is necessary to wait for 2, 5 to 4 months for the integration of the titanium structure with the bone, and 6 months if any intervention is performed on the jaw bone or if the upper jaw is removed. However, the results obtained at the end of this period are quite satisfactory and much longer-

What are the advantages of dental implants?

The existing prostheses of patients who have been toothless, especially for many years, start to move and cause hits due to the continuing changes in bone. Since prostheses made on implants are made on a fixed foundation, there is no feature of moving or coming out of the mouth. It can be applied in people who do not want a removable prosthesis or in whom the bone has lost its retention.

Is the operation of dental implants complicated?

Under local anesthesia, operations are always painless. Operations are performed only in the area where the dental implant will be applied. The recovery process is done by taking the prescribed drugs before the operation, using antiseptic mouthwashes after the procedure and good oral care.

Will my face swell a lot at the end of the dental implant operation? Do I have a lot of pain?

Mild swelling or colour changes are expected on the cheek, but edema will decrease rapidly after applying cold buffer in the first 24 hours. Severe pain is not observed, pain medications recommended by the doctor are enough to easily control the pain that may occur on the first day.

How is the dental implant process? How soon will my teeth be completed?

The implants are expected to merge with the bone in an average of 3 months in the upper jaw and an average of 2 months in the lower jaw, and porcelain veneers are applied to them. If additional procedures are applied in the presence of thin or insufficiently high bone, the waiting period can be extended up to 6 months.

Is a seamless dental implant possible?

It is possible in cases where a single tooth extraction can be made and the implant can be placed in the same session without making any incision in the extraction cavity.

Is there a possibility of dental implants rejection? 

Dental implants are made of titanium. Titanium, which is highly biocompatible to the human body, is a non-toxic precious metal that does not pose any risk of allergies.

Are dental implant applications suitable for me?

It is inconvenient to perform in individuals who have an important uncontrolled systemic disease, who received radiotherapy or chemotherapy recently. However, if the disease is under control, the implant can be made to everyone. If sufficient bone cannot be detected in the examination, implants can be placed first after creating bone substructure with additional procedures.

I'm smoking Can I have a dental implant?

Many studies have proven that smoking prevents bone integration with the implant. In individuals who smoke, the risk of the implant falling is 2-3 times higher than normal.

Are dental implants long-lasting?

The life of the dental implant is like natural teeth. It is used for many years as long as normal oral and dental care is well done.

I do not want to wait 2-3 months. Can I use my own dentures with an implant?

Yes, thanks to the mini dental implant technology, existing removable dentures can be adapted to the implants after surgery.



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