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What is Arm and Leg Lifting?

This procedure is applied on arms and legs to remove sagging and cracks due to excessive weight gain or loss, due to a decrease in the elasticity of the skin because of ageing, or a genetic predisposition at an earlier age. Undesirable conditions such as decreased and relaxed subcutaneous support tissue in these parts of the body and excessive and improper accumulation of adipose tissue may require stretching surgery.

With the leg and arm lifting operation, you can have a firmer, younger, stronger looking structure.

How Does the lifting  Surgery Perform?

By making cuts from the appropriate parts of the body, excessive and subcutaneous excesses are removed. As a result of the procedure, small scars may remain on the invisible parts of the body. These traces/scars are mostly located in the armpit and inner arm, which are the least visible places in the arm area when viewed from the outside. In the leg region, it can be hidden from the least visible places, in the groin area, in the inner leg and in the fold below the hips.

In addition to the arm lifting surgery, liposuction procedure is also are suggested. Thus, the fat tissue under the skin is more reduced and sagging skin can be removed out of the body.

How long does the stretching process take?

Arm or leg lifting operations are performed under general anaesthesia. The processing time for the arm is about two to three hours, while it is about three to four hours for the leg.

What should be considered in the process after lifting surgery?

A few days after arm or leg lifting operations, pain can be relieved with the help of painkillers. The level of these pains decreases day by day. In the first days, tension and swelling may be seen in the region where the procedure is performed. In this process, it is recommended to keep hands and feet up to reduce swelling.

The patient is supposed to stay in the hospital for one or two days. It is possible that some bruises and edema would occur after the operation for several weeks. The patient can return to daily life and work within seven to ten days. Nevertheless, patients are advised to use a suitable corset for a month. In the same period, the person should avoid heavy exercise and do not overstretch their arms or legs. It may take six to twelve months for all the swelling to disappear and the operated tissue to reach the desired state.

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