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Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (Tube stomach surgery)

Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (Tube stomach) surgery is one of the most used methods in the world today. 75-80% of the stomach is removed on average. Although the main purpose is the restriction of food intake, it has been observed that the hormones that control the feeling of hunger decrease significantly due to the operation.

In addition, it leads to a marked improvement in diabetes, a decrease in insulin requirement, a significant decrease in sleep apnea, and a serious decrease in the number of drugs used in hypertension. Almost all patients lose at least 35-40% of their total weight within 12-15 months. Although it is an irreversible method, it is not necessary to use vitamin and iron drugs for a long time and the risk of complications is quite low compared to other bariatric surgery methods.

After the patient is hospitalized on the day of surgery, preparations are completed and taken into surgery. The operation takes an average of 45 - 60 minutes and the patient returns to his bed within a total of 3-4 hours. Our patients can walk after 4 hours and after 6 hours there will be no significant pain. Our patients can also drink water 1 day after the surgery but their discharges generally happen on the 3rd day after the surgery.


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